@extends('oxygen::layouts.master-dashboard') @section('content') {{ lotus()->pageHeadline($pageTitle) }} @include('oxygen::account.access-permissions-breadcrumbs', ['breadcrumbs' => ['User Invitations', route('access.invitations.index')] ]) {{ lotus()->explainPanel('Invite your team members to join. Select a Group and add email addresses below. If a Group is not listed, add a User Group first.') }}
New Invitation
Add email addresses below. Separated by commas, or add one per each line. @if (strlen(old('success_emails')) > 0)
Emails will be sent to these emails shortly. {{ old('success_emails') }}
@endif @if (strlen(old('invitation_emails')) > 0)
Couldn't send the invites to following addresses. Please check the email addresses and try to send again.